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Frequently asked questions

Surgical abortion

  • The procedure takes 5 to 10 minutes, followed by 30 to 60 minutes of rest and monitoring.
  • A nurse will be by your side.
  • A catheter will be temporarily installed in a vein in your arm to give you the necessary medications. Your vital signs will be monitored.
  • You will be lying on your back in a gynecological position. The doctor will remove the pregnancy by aspiration. The person accompanying you can be present after the abortion for the rest period.

All medical procedures involve some degree of risk. Abortion is in the category of minor surgeries and, as such, has a very low complication rate.

We use conscious sedation during abortion. This is a combination of two medications. The first helps you relax, the second is a pain reliever.

Together, these medications help manage any discomfort that the woman may feel. Pain is generally mild but varies from person to person.

Several means are available for optimal relief.

Don’t hesitate to discuss your concerns and emotions with the nurse before the procedure.

We recommend resting on the day of the procedure. Some women decide to take more time. The relaxing and pain-relief medications offered during abortion can affect your state for a certain time. For 24h:

  • Do not drive
  • Do not consume drugs or alcohol
  • Favor calm activities
  • Avoid activities requiring concentration or judgment such as supervising young children, using dangerous tools or equipment, taking school exams, and signing important documents.

We recommend not inserting anything into the vagina for 7 days after the procedure, so wait a week before having sexual intercourse with penetration.

To prevent infections, we recommend not inserting anything into the vagina for 7 days after the procedure, so wait a week before having sexual intercourse with penetration.

It’s important to listen to your body. Some people will need some time before feeling ready to resume sexual activities. This is normal.

Frequently asked questions

Medical abortion

You will have 2 medications to take, the 1st at the clinic, the 2nd at home 24 to 48h later.

Although bleeding usually starts after taking the 2nd medication, it may start as soon as the 1st medication is taken.

Bleeding and pain vary from person to person.
Side effects could include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and mild fever. These effects usually last a few hours.

Yes, medical abortion is very safe.

Once the heavy bleeding and cramping have subsided, you can resume your normal activities. We recommend that you be accompanied for a few hours after taking the 2nd medication.

If your pregnancy test is positive 4 weeks after the medication, you will be offered an appointment and options will be discussed based on the medical evaluation.

Contact us

Your choice. Your right.

We’re here to support you and surround you with loving care.
Our clinic is an inclusive and welcoming space, where everyone can find the help they need.

Covered by RAMQ

Covered by IFHP (refugees)

Fees apply if you do not have RAMQ or IFHP

Make an appointment by phone 514-844-4844. If we can’t be reached, please fill out the contact form, and we’ll call you back within the next business day.

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